Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Just Cry Holy

From bathroom policies changing to the hostile feeling of the 2016 elections, it is apparent that the society around us is rapidly adapting to include more immorality than ever before. This blog post is not meant to discuss politics or the frightening decline we are seeing in our country. This blog post is meant to discuss the culture that becomes more appealing to me with every passing day: the culture of Heaven.

A lot of my focus has been on the Celestial City lately, more focus than I remember having at any other time. I feel a draw deep in my spirit, and can only describe it as C.S. Lewis did when he said, "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

For being as young as I am, I have had many wonderful experiences in this world. I have walked the edge of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. I have seen the Grand Canyon in Arizona. I have walked the beaches of Virginia at sunrise. I have sailed on the Maid of the Mist to the edge of Niagra Falls and heard and felt the thunder of millions of gallons of water crashing into each other. I have loved deeply. I have lost much. I have known what it is to heal slowly. I have rebuilt my life after moving multiple times. I have written books. I have clumbed mountains, both figuratively and literally. Yet, deep inside of my is a desire that no experience in this world can satisfy.

I have felt the "earnest" of this experience many times in my life (Eph. 1:13-14). I have experienced the Holy Spirit moving in me and through me, and it has given me a deeper hunger for the actual inheritance to come. What is this experience I am desiring? It is Heaven.

It is to view the gates of pearls, see the walls of gems surrounding the Great City, and know that I can walk through those gates. It is to be dressed in white with the saints of God at the general assembly. It is to find the mansion my God built for me and to dwell there for all eternity. It is to dance across streets of gold and listen to the stories of God's strength and glory from the other Citizens. It is to rewind time and view the battle of Jericho and to cheer with Israel as the walls come down. It is to eat at the Table of the King. It is to cast my crown at His feet. It is to finally know what it feels like to be physically held by my Father and Creator. It is to have no more tears, or death, or pain. It is to see God and to learn of Him in new ways. It is to bask in the glow of His light and to feel the warmth of His presence.

Just writing down these thoughts fills me with longing and joy. When I think of the Great I Am and all that He has in store for me, the troubles of this life seem to fade away and I look to Him with great expectation. I will live my life however I have to in order to make it to that Place. Today, I long for Heaven. I long to join the elders and the angels and just cry holy.


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